James’ World

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April Fools’ Day

(2007 April Fools’ Day in Wikipeadia)

Yesterday was April Fools’ Day. I hope everyone escape jokes. If you already got a joke, please relax and have fun. Now, I have some famous example about April Fools’ Day.

Smell-o-vision: In 1965, the BBC purported to conduct a trial of a new technology allowing the transmission of odor over the airwaves to all viewers. Many viewers reportedly contacted the BBC to report the trial’s success. This hoax was also conducted by the Seven Network in Australia in 2005. In 2007, the BBC website repeated an online version of the hoax.

Tower of Pisa: The Dutch Television news reported once in the 1950s that the Tower of Pisa had fallen over. Many shocked people contacted the station.

Now if you are still interesting April Fools’ Day, you can see how many jokes happened yesterday around the world?

April 2, 2008 Posted by | Blog | Leave a comment